Archives for posts with tag: Art Workshops

This summer has been all about pond life. For the #ExploreUrbanNature project at #Touchstones, we ran pond dipping sessions in Broadfield Park (thanks to Judy at #NatureEd), revealing a surprising array of biodiversity including cased-caddisfly larvae, water beetles, water shrimps, water snails and damselfly nymphs. As a follow up, I ran further sessions in schools and for the Holiday Activity Fund summer scheme, exploring the life cycle of a damselfly, and making these delightful models.

img_20200201_133530Another Super Saturday at Gallery Oldham making works inspired by the current sound art exhibition ‘Sounds Like Her’.  I welcomed almost 50 participants to a two-hour drop-in session making spirograph collages. Dizzy!

This Super Saturday at Gallery Oldham, we had fun making paper snowflakes, inspired by the recent ‘paper’ exhibition.